Monday, June 27, 2011

34 Weeks

I know this picture isn't the best, but you know, I'm on a couch right now, and getting up to take a picture that is the best doesn't sound entirely appealing. So you can just trust that my belly is pretty big and stick out-ish.

At 34 weeks:
  • Ah, my back. There are days when it's my sciatic nerve, and it hurts to walk. Then there are days when it's more in my upper back, and it hurts to sit down. And then there are days when it's both. So yeah, I hope you're not too sick of listening to me complain about my back, because I have a feeling I'm gonna keep doing it.
  • Baby girl attacks my ribs. Often.
  • I've officially gained more weight than I did my whole pregnancy with Maddy. Sigh. Let's hope breastfeeding kicks it to the curb quickly again.
  • I have quite a few contractions, some of which are fairly painfulish. Not regular or so painful I can't walk or anything like that, but still annoying.
  • I'm pretty scared of the fact that I would be considered "full term" in 2-3 weeks. That is not a lot of time.
  • I'm pretty anxious to meet this baby girl. I actually still really love being pregnant and all (yes, despite all my complaining, I really do love it), but I can't wait to see her! What is she going to look like? What is she going to be like? And is the name we like right now (still the same one) going to stick? Only time will tell.
  • I'm in full-on nesting mode. And it's doubly annoying because we are out of town and there's absolutely nothing I can do about it. I guess I could plan out specific things I need to do once we get home...but won't that just make me more frustrated that I can't do them? Unfortunatissimo.

1 comment:

  1. Oh man, you like being pregnant?! You're crazy, says I!


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