Monday, September 13, 2010

Make Someone Happy

Have you ever heard the song "Make Someone Happy?" You'd probably recognize it. ("Sleepless in Seattle," anyone?)

I heard this song the other day and it struck me how totally true it is. While it can be applied to pretty much everyone, I'm pretty sure it's a theme song for marriage. What if every married person totally focused on his/her spouse? What if every wife put her husband's needs and wants before her own, and every husband made his wife's happiness his top priority?

I'll tell you what. Everyone would be a lot happier. Everyone would be making someone happy, and everyone would have someone making them happy. Happy happy happy. I love this idea.

I don't know about your someone, but mine deserves to be happy. I'm not always very good at making that happen, but I think now is a great time to start being downright awesome at it. Here's to happiness!

Make someone happy
Make just one someone happy
Make just one heart the heart you sing to
One smile that cheers you
One face that lights when it nears you
One guy you're everything to

Fame, if you win it
Comes and goes in a minute
Where's the real stuff in life to cling to?
Love is the answer
Someone to love is the answer
Once you've found him, build your world around him

Make someone happy
Make just one someone happy
And you will be happy too.

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