Monday, September 27, 2010

Some things just don't get done right away

I'm not getting everything entirely done tonight. Observe:

What I did do today:

*woke up early
*accepted the fact that it was going to be a bad hair day
*went to lunch with my lil sis
*grocery shopped
*put Madelyn down for nap
*started homework
*washed & dried 5 loads of laundry (nope, not folded. see above)
*made dee-licious dinner for missionaries
*quick-cleaned the house so it wasn't a total disaster for the missionaries
*ate dinner with the missionaries
*listened to spiritual thought from missionaries
*woke Maddy up from her (FOUR AND A HALF HOUR) nap
*went for a walk with Dallin and Maddy
*visited my recovering-from-knee-surgery grandma in the hospital
*had a 23-year-old crisis
*finished a substantial amount of super stressful/annoying homework
*felt extremely grateful to Dallin for putting the baby down
*peeked in at Maddy because she's so gosh darn pretty when she's asleeping
*decided to put off finishing the dishes and folding the laundry until tomorrow
*decided to blog about putting off dishes and laundry...instead of doing them
*realized that my life is pretty good
*said goodnight to my blog buddies
*signed off

Monday, September 20, 2010


Last week, while I was out running a few errands, I left my phone at home. GASP.

After realizing that I was in fact phone-less for the next hour or two, I had a few thoughts.

My first thought: "I should post on Facebook how helpless I feel without my phone. Hm...I'd need my phone to do that." (palm smacks forehead)

My second thought: "Haha silly me...I should text Dallin and share my funny story about wanting to use my phone to post on Facebook about leaving my phone at home. He'll laugh! Oh....wait." (palm smacks forehead)

My third thought: "Dang. I should write a blog post about how I try to use my phone even immediately after just realizing I don't have it. The world must know my pathetic-ness! I should put this idea on my "To Blog" list before I forget about it. (Reaches for phone, since that where my "To Blog" list is kept)

Oh my freaking heck.

(palm smacks forehead)
(palm smacks forehead again)
(because let's face it, I deserve it.)

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Healthy (the readable version)

Most people would not use the word "healthy" to describe the fact that these were all found in a certain person's car:

However, those people are obviously forgetting that there are actually several definitions of the word "healthy." Ahem:


er of
1. possessing or enjoying good health or a sound and vigorous mentality: a healthy body; a healthy mind.
2. pertaining to or characteristic of good health, or a sound and vigorous mind: a healthy appearance; healthy attitudes.
3. conducive to good health; healthful: healthy recreations.
4. prosperous or sound: a healthy business.
5. fairly large: I bought a healthy number of books.

ctive, health·i·er
–adjective, health·i·er, health·i·est.lthy numbe
Considering the last two definitions...

I would say that my Dr. Pepper addiction is absolutely healthy.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Make Someone Happy

Have you ever heard the song "Make Someone Happy?" You'd probably recognize it. ("Sleepless in Seattle," anyone?)

I heard this song the other day and it struck me how totally true it is. While it can be applied to pretty much everyone, I'm pretty sure it's a theme song for marriage. What if every married person totally focused on his/her spouse? What if every wife put her husband's needs and wants before her own, and every husband made his wife's happiness his top priority?

I'll tell you what. Everyone would be a lot happier. Everyone would be making someone happy, and everyone would have someone making them happy. Happy happy happy. I love this idea.

I don't know about your someone, but mine deserves to be happy. I'm not always very good at making that happen, but I think now is a great time to start being downright awesome at it. Here's to happiness!

Make someone happy
Make just one someone happy
Make just one heart the heart you sing to
One smile that cheers you
One face that lights when it nears you
One guy you're everything to

Fame, if you win it
Comes and goes in a minute
Where's the real stuff in life to cling to?
Love is the answer
Someone to love is the answer
Once you've found him, build your world around him

Make someone happy
Make just one someone happy
And you will be happy too.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

On the fence

Remember our awesome backyard makeover a few months ago?

Awesome, right?


Remember how I mentioned that all that was needed was a pool fence?

Well, in the name of ending suspense...I present to you...


Are you excited? Amazed? Stunned? It's okay, I'll give you a minute to collect yourself.

I'd say it sort of detracts from the overall beauty of the backyard, since you no longer have an unobstructed view of the pretty blue water and rock fountain. Maybe like a 20% detraction.

BUT it's a 100% improvement in safety! Safety first!

So really it's like an 80% overall improvement. Unless you're taking into account that safety is more important than beauty, in which case you'd have to do something highly math related to factor that in. Will someone do that and let me know? Math is so...numbery.

Also, there is still time to swim! The pool is still warm! Come one, come all! Seriously, we'd love to have you.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Extreme Makeover: Bed Edition

Oh HEY! It's me!

Sometimes, I do content writing work for Dallin's websites. I've written for all kind of people...dentists, raised access floor companies, elderly transport services, etc. It's pretty awesome, especially because I get to tell people I'm sleeping with my boss.

(**Side note: You guys are the first people I've ever told that to. Side note over**)

Then Dallin feels like he has to pay me for my services (the writing ones, not the sleeping ones), and then I feel like I have money to have fun with. It's fairly to moderately spectacular. After receiving one such paycheck, I finally got us some new bedding! This was much needed. We only had our old set for 2 years (we got it when we got married), but it totally faded when we washed it, and I may or may not have accidentally cut a small slit in it. So I've been tempted to do this for pretty much forever and I finally bit the bullet. It was metallic. And awesome. Here are the results of my bullet chomp-fest:

It's nothing fancy, but hey, neither are we. I loves it. Especially the pillows. Also especially the fact that it incorporates the quilt Dallin's mama gifted to us when we were first wed.

Something must be done with the space above our bed. I can't decide if there's enough room for a full-blown photo collage, or if just several pictures in a row would be better. To be continued...

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Currenly, I am...

  • sick
  • unshowered
  • yuck
  • on prescribed medication for the first time in a loooong time
  • not pregnant (I had to make sure before taking said prescribed medication)
  • feeling my head expand as the mucus threatens to take over
  • coughing
  • not coughing anymore
  • wanting to forget that I have a face
  • just remembering that I need to sleep with the humidifier on tonight
  • yuck again

Sleepy time. cross your fingers that (a) my sinus infection goes away and (b) that it does not go away into my baby. Dallin already had it, so your time to cross your fingers for his health has passed. But go ahead, if you really want to. It won't hurt anyone.